Argument Mapping is the expression of an argument
is in a structured visual form.
Arguments have been expressed in prose since the
time of Socrates. Modern information technology has made
little impact on the expression and understanding of
arguments. We now use word processing, electronic mail and
spell checking instead of just the pen and paper but this has
little changed the way arguments are understood.
Argument mapping allows you to move from prose to
a visual structure expressing premises, reasons, objections,
assumptions and general commentary.
Look at the
entry for more detailed definition. There are also some
papers on the goreason
Some good
files can be found on the Philosophy Programme - University
of Natal, Durban site. (Unfortunately some of the RE3 files resolve
to error pages which Argumentative does handle
A tutorial series in PDF may be found at Jamel
Ostwald's site on his
Other Argument Mapping software packages exist
being the best, in my opinion. Other software may be
found by looking at the Wikipedia
entry. They also have an excellent wiki.
There is an Argument Map group on Yahoo Groups